Selasa, Oktober 27, 2009

gema di timur jauh

Gua ke Puchong Sabtu yang lalu. Ada satu keajaiban berlaku sebelum menerima panggilan dari Aidill, merangkap abang sulong gua. Itu tidak akan diceritakan disini, cukup sekadar mengungkapkan bahawa gua benar-benar merasai sifat Maha Penyayang dari si Maha Mengetahui yang gua sembah dan mencari keredhaan dariNya.

Yang ingin diceritakan sebenarnya adalah perbualan kami dalam kereta setelah usai segala urusan penyamakan dan pembersihan rumah yang bakal mereka duduki tak lama lagi. Berasaskan lagu Search yang berkumandang dari celah-celah kesesatan kotak bergerak yang pelbagai itu, gua bertanyakan,

"album yang mana di long?"

Diperlahankan sedikit runut bunyi itu, lalu menjawab, "gema di timur jauh"

"Patut la lirik dasyat"

"Kenapa? aku tak faham"

Gua memulakan dengan menceritakan apa itu Orientalis dan bagaimana halus ajaran timur itu berjaya diterapkan dalam pemikiran manusia seusia gua secara ringkas, dan Search menterjemahkannya dalam muzik mereka. Maka tajuk album yang dipilih adalah kerana itu jeritan dari timur untuk orang-orang timur yang hanyut dengan arus kemodenan dek kebutaan matahati mereka yang melihat berpaksikan dunia barat.

"kitalah watak-watak perkasa, yang selalu kita mimpi-mimpikan dulu."

"citamu menggunung, tapi kau tak tertanggung, kerana otakmu seperti tong-tong kosong"

"kita berserta dalam perjuanganmu, merasa sengsara dalam merasa perlu"

Daripada Hudhaifah bin al-Yaman dia berkata: "Biasanya orang akan bertanya kepada Rasulullah S.A.W tentang kebaikan tetapi aku akan bertanya mengenai keburukan kerana takut ia akan menimpaku. Aku katakan: Wahai Rasulullah! Sebelum ini kami berada dalam kejahilan dan keburukan kemudian Allah datangkan kepada kami kebaikan ini. Adakah setelah kebaikan itu keburukan? Beliau menjawab: Ya. aku berkata: Adakah setelah keburukan itu kebaikan? Beliau menjawab: Ya, dan padanya ada kabus. Aku berkata: Apakah kabus itu? Beliau bersabda: Adanya golongan yang mengikuti sunnah selainku dan mencari petunjuk selain dari petunjukku, kamu mengenali mereka tetapi kamu mengingkari mereka (dekat tapi jauh). Aku berkata: Apakah setelah kebaikan itu keburukan? Beliau menjawab: Ya, munculnya pendakwah-pendakwah untuk memasuki pintu neraka dan sesiapa yang mengikuti mereka akan dicampakkan kedalamnya (neraka). Aku berkata: Wahai Rasulullah, gambarkanlah mereka. Beliau bersabda: Ya, mereka memiliki kulit yang sama dengan kulit kita dan bahasa yang sama dengan bahasa kita. Aku berkata: Apakah yang patut saya lakukan apabila hal itu berlaku? Beliau bersabda: Hendaklah engkau masuk dalam jama'ah umat Islam dan Imam mereka. Aku berkata: Jika seandainya tiada jama'ah atau imam mereka? Beliau bersabda: Hendaklah engkau meninggalkan semua golongan-golongan tersebut walaupun engkau terpaksa menggigit batang kayu, sehingga ajal menjemputmu dan engkau tetap dengan keyakinanmu".

Ahad, Oktober 18, 2009

Pewaris Si Gila

Sebentar tadi, gua bermimpi. Hari sukan sekolah menengah gua diakhiri dengan pasukan bola 7 sebelah berpemimpinkan abang gua hanya menduduki tempat kedua. Dalam majlis penutupan hari sukan tersebut, gua memanggil-manggil abang gua yang sayup-sayup berada jauh dari pandangan mata. Gua rasa gua dah jerit macam nak mati dan terkeluar anak tekak. Tapi dia masih tak dengar.

Gua bingkas pergi ketempat di mana dia termenung di celah-celah orang ramai. Gua maki dia sebab masih tidak memberikan respons terhadap apa yg gua mahukan. Gua cuma nak ajak dia balik rumah sebab hari dah nak maghrib. Dia hanya senyap. Senyap. Dan tidak berkata walau sepatah pun. Gua sedih tiba-tiba.

Gua start motor, dan pulang ke rumah. Dalam perjalanan, sekeliling gua sentiasa berubah-ubah. Macam ada kat negara 4 musim lebih kurang. Signboard kampung gua pun dah bertukar. Tajuk kampung gua yang baru adalah "A New Hope"

Belum sempat sampai rumah, gua terjaga. Gua risau sampai sekarang.

Sabtu, Oktober 17, 2009

an earthquake

Recently, whole world are shocked with the tragedy of earthquake that happen in Padang, Indonesia. Most of the sociologist comes with their own prediction about how the social structure will be affected.

From my stand of view, the societies will face a tremendous phenomenon in their everyday’s life precede with a changes in their routines activities. However, with different intention to take a lesson from the tragedy, either an individual or the social institutions outside the community move towards their own agenda by helping all the victims. For example, the scientists tend to advance their research in geographical disciplines, medical expertise appears with a suitable disease’s prevention methods, and the politician tries to expose their participation in developing the world.

To study an impact of the tragedy to the societies, my general outlook will focused in 4 major aspects which are economy, politics, psychology and most importantly, the religions.

Let’s start with the most vital portion which is religions. As we know, majority of the victims were the Muslims. For those who are appointed as an Ulama’, they have a tendency of viewing the situation as a disaster from God that need to be learned by the others. But, the issue here is, some of the Muslims stressed out the mistakes that had being done by the living community at Padang without taking any action to improve their own spiritual quotients. Did we have a thought that there must be a true Muslims living over there and also become a victim? Then, can we claim the situation is a disaster for that particular individual? The truth and the wisdom is belongs to the God. An error is, they actually expose the bad side of Muslims through his or her unchangeable self to others and lead other religions misinterpret the beauty of Islam. As a proof, our local newspaper which is Kosmo reported a few days ago that there are some Muslims claims that the tragedy was cause by the date of birth of Indonesia’s current Presiden, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Shockingly, the assumption was referred to a witchdoctor or known as “Bomoh”. Some things need to be done in order to revise the practical Muslims in the country that are widely known as a liberal country in South East.

In economical way, we can see that poverty among the society members become worse as the tragedy ended. How pity they are when their residence are destroyed. The poor people become poorer without facilitating their basic necessity that can help them to ensure their safety needs. Most of the victims also lost their farmhouse and the unemployment rate increases as the office lot, shops and the property are totally ruined. Money is important nowadays with a purpose of supporting the other needs including foods, medicines, and the educations. In their survival, they can’t afford all the expenses and required to restructure their routines activities to achieve a better standard of living. Instead of that, foreigners will not interested anymore in investing to the country because the tragedy strongly effect their profitability.

Politically, the earthquake raises a conflict within leadership arena. When we are talking about politics, it consist of the both ruler and opposition party. As a ruler party, the government of Indonesia faces many comments in term of positive comments and vice versa. If they are not strong enough to handle the situation to make a suitable feedback, and a total democratic system strongly applied, the civilian including the media industries will questioning their credibility. With a larger landscape, internationally, the comments and critics will successfully launch to achieve their own agenda. Political stability is a backbone of the glorious country. For the opposition party, they must give a hand strictly to defend their country from being colonized.

By manipulating the theories of thinking among Indonesian, a new issue will be highlighted to overcome to the true Islamic lifestyle according to Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. The westernize who are clearly rendering their intention to conquer an Islamic country in the middle east will take this as an opportunities to expand their new ideology colonization in order to strengthen the libertarian islam that effectively absorbed by the community. Psychological effects create a chaotic situation when there is a distinction between multi-religious fanatics and also among Muslim who are the majorities

For the conclusion, earthquake will strongly effect the societies in term of all 4 factors which are religions, politics, economic and psychological. Besides absorbing a new norms and values, people in the society claims that they need to make some changes in order for them to survive.

Selasa, Oktober 13, 2009

black day

Ya Allah
merasa aku kecil dihadapanMu
tidak ada daya-upaya
tidak ada kuasa
tidak ada kekuatan bila melihat ciptaanMu ya Allah
Engkau maha besar
Engkau maha esa
Engkau yang menggerakkan alam dan isinya
Engkau yang menyiapkan alam ini untuk kami
ampunilah kami yang tidak pernah bersyukur kepada Mu

Selasa, Oktober 06, 2009

Chrisye-Damai BersamaMu

Aku termenung dibawah mentari
Diantara megahnya alam ini
Menikmati indahnya kasihMu
Kurasakan damainya hatiku

SabdaMu bagai air yg mengalir
Basahi panas terik dihatiku
Menerangi semua jalanku
Kurasakan tenteramnya hatiku

Jangan biarkan damai ini pergi
Jangan biarkan semuanya berlalu
Hanya padaMu Tuhan tempatku berteduh
Dari semua kepalsuan dunia

Bilaku jauh dari diriMu
Akan kutempuh semua perjalanan
Agar selalu ada dekatMu
Biarku rasakan lembutnya kasihMu

Sabtu, Oktober 03, 2009

Spiritual Quotient

tidak ada rasa ingin menulis sejak kebelakangan ini...harap maklum.!