Rabu, Oktober 01, 2008


I did planning for the years to come. By forgetting of what are my plans for the current time being. Ignoring proudly all the guilty yesterdays and keep on doing the mistakes. Collecting them as they were valuables. Living life not for some kind of meanings. What is the meaning of life today?

What i've done? What have i done?

What i did to myself, my life, my family, my people and my religion?

I am with the correct path, am i?

I'm confused with what to do? What's with this art things? Are they necessary? Should i be more sensitive about my act as a true Muslim?

Can i possibly get them together? You see, art is an entertainment. Its core is desire. Permitted art? The world says that u're gonna miss the good part of Art. What is the good part?

Centre of my thoughts,verbs, life? this figure drawings? How?

This is scary. Now that this post is full of complaints. Trying too hard to do something unnecessary, legally?

Questioning question.

Personally, i found that the experience of reading this writing is an alarm for my ownself to be a man in the mirror. This excellent story tells me more than just a story, it is a strict yet loving reminder to me for my responsibilities towards myself and the condition of my own faith to Islam.

Allah loves cannot be described in words of a man.

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