Isnin, Ogos 31, 2009

JRN 412 - 2

Ruang siber dianggap sebagai satu media kewartawanan baru. Kejayaan internet untuk menyebarkan informasi dengan cepat ke seluruh dunia, membawa kepada perubahan dalam proses melaporkan sesebuah berita. Ini termasuklah proses pencarian maklumat dan bukti, menemu duga, penyuntingan, dan juga penerbitan. Kewartawanan dalam dalam talian telah mencipta fenomena baru dalam dunia kewartawanan. Ianya kini digunakan oleh pembekal berita untuk menyampaikan pendapat umum secara interaktif dan proaktif.

Pencapaian kewartawanan atas talian dapat membantu media tradisional untuk mengatasi had ruang dan masa. Ruang untuk menyiarkan berita adalah terhad di atas halaman akhbar. Sesetengah berita berharga, tidak dapat disebarkan melalui akhbar atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Tetapi ianya boleh didapati melalui laman web. Hal ini sememangnya memberi impak yang besar kepada generasi muda di Malaysia. Ini kerana, mereka dahagakan informasi dan pengetahuan yang memerlukan sumber rujukan yang luas iaitu internet.

Bentuk infromasi dan pengetahuan yang disediakan oleh pembekal berita juga berbeza mengikut kesesuaian penggunanya. Secara umum, minat dan keinginan generasi muda sekarang lebih kepada bidang sains dan teknologi, seni dan kebudayaan, perhubungan antarabangsa, perniagaan, hiburan dan juga sukan. Ianya berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan generasi terdahulu di mana mereka lebih berminat untuk membaca kisah-kisah pengembaraan, masalah sosial, keagamaan, kesihatan, dan juga jenayah. Perkara ini telah membuatkan industri media di Malaysia perlu membahagikan informasi mereka kepada dua medium iaitu internet, untuk generasi muda dan juga media cetak, untuk generasi terdahulu. Di samping itu, pembekal-pembekal ini juga harus memikirkan tentang keuntungan syarikat mereka dan menuntut mereka untuk mengurangkan kos pembiayaan untuk pembuatan sesuatu berita.

Sistem pendidikan yang mengaplikasikan penggunaan internet dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, menjadikan generasi muda sekarang mempunyai skil atau kemahiran yang tinggi dalam proses mencari maklumat tanpa memerlukan mereka untuk bergerak kemana-mana. Seperti yang kita semua maklum, semua sekolah di Malaysia perlu menyediakan kemudahan komputer dan akses internet untuk memudahkan proses penyampaian dan penerimaan ilmu. Teknik dan cara mengakses internet juga diperkenalkan kepada generasi muda semenjak mereka kecil lagi. Manual latihan penggunaan perisian juga digunakan untuk melatih mereka supaya dapat meluahkan pendapat, emosi, mahupun pandangan dengan hanya memetik papan kekunci.

Kewartawanan atas talian telah mencipta pembaharuan dalam format Hyper-text dan Hyper-Link, struktur yang membawa kepada ketelusan dan gerbang informasi tanpa sempadan. Dalam aspek ini, sistem akhbar tradisional meletakkan penilaian terhadap sesuatu isu itu berlandaskan kepada pandangan wartawan itu sendiri. Fungsi kewartawan diragui oleh generasi muda kerana mereka lebih sensitif dan ini memerlukan mereka untuk menilai sesuatu isu itu setelah mendapatkan maklumat dari pelbagai pihak. Peranan media tradisional untuk menegakkan kebenaran diragui oleh mereka kerana media tradisional dilihat semakin hari semakin dikawal oleh kerajaan.

Keghairahan generasi muda untuk lebih memilih berita atas talian adalah kerana inginkan penyertaan secara langsung dari mereka sendiri. Generasi aktif ini boleh berkomunikasi dengan jurnalis atau wartawan secara langsung. Generasi aktif ini juga melihat kewartawanan sebagai medium diskusi dan bukan lagi sebagai sumber maklumat. Misalnya, apabila mereka mempunyai sifat ingin tahu tentang sesuatu, mereka boleh mencadangkan idea mereka kepada wartawan secara langsung melalui e-mel, mahupun laman sosial seperti Facebook dan Myspace. Tambahan pula, mereka sendiri boleh melaporkan berita atau maklumat dengan segera dan kemudiannya membiarkan wartawan menulis mengenainya. Dalam situasi ini, sudah tentu wartawan akan berinteraksi dengan mereka, dan malah, wartawan mungkin akan bertanya lebih banyak maklumat daripada mereka. Hal ini dapat memenuhi permintaan generasi muda untuk bertindak lebih aktif dalam menyalurkan pendapat dan pandangan mereka untuk sama-sama memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan juga negara.

Komunikasi di antara pembaca merupakan ciri terpenting yang mempengaruhi minat generasi muda untuk memilih berita atas talian. Penggunaan ciri ini secara ideal dan berkesan di Malaysia, membuktikan Malaysia mengamalkan sistem demokrasi. Rakyat yang mempunyai minat yang sama boleh berjumpa antara satu sama lain secara maya dan melaksanakan perbualan dengan menggunakan cara yang lebih mudah dengan adanya permukaan papan buletin, dan ruang sembang yang disediakan oleh laman pembekal berita atas talian. Seperkara lagi, mereka juga boleh ditemukan secara fizikal dan ini menjadikan mereka lebih kuat. Atas keberkesanan perkenalan yang bermula dari alam maya, mereka mampu untuk mengekspresikan pendapat mereka kepada umum setelah mendapat sokongan ramai.

Kemajuan teknologi juga memberi kesan kepada generasi muda dalam memilih sumber informasi mereka. Penciptaan telefon bimbit, pemain MP3 digital, dan iphones memerlukan mereka untuk bijak mengendalikan komputer dan akses internet. Sebagai contoh, telefon bimbit memerlukan penggunanya untuk memuat-turun ciri-ciri yang memudahkan lagi generasi muda ini untuk tampil kehadapan sebagai pendahulu dikalangan rakan-rakan mereka.

Apabila kemajuan internet itu berkembang dari masa ke semasa, pihak berkuasa tidak akan mampu untuk mengawal proses pengaliran informasi dikalangan rakyatnya. Ini dengan jelas, akan memberikan kebebasan kepada penggunanya untuk menyebarkan, sekaligus berkongsi pendapat tanpa pengetahuan pihak berkuasa. Sifat remaja yang inginkan kebebasan mendorong kepada minat mereka untuk mendekati berita atas talian. Kesannya boleh dilihat dengan tertubuhnya kumpulan atau jaringan generasi muda yang bertentangan ideologi dengan kerajaan. Ini kerana, dalam beberapa saat, sesi pembacaan intelek mereka di selang-selikan dengan perbincangan dan diskusi untuk menentang keputusan pihak berkuasa.

Secara umumnya, berita atas talian memberi kemudahan kepada generasi muda untuk berkomunikasi pada tiga peringkat. Pertamanya, di peringkat umum, diikuti dengan separa umum, dan juga komunikasi tertutup. Komunikasi peringkat umum adalah komunikasi antara organisasi yang terkenal, manakala komunikasi separa umum menghadkan gerbang informasi kepada sekumpulan yang berdaftar, dan seterusnya komunikasi tertutup dimana komunikasi itu wujud dalam institusi yang lebih kecil iaitu keluarga.

Generasi muda kini sudah berjaya meletakkan diri mereka sebagai orang penting dalam syarikat dan organisasi di mana mereka bekerja. Peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka untuk membangunkan syarikat di bawah seliaan mereka amat memerlukan medium informasi yang pantas.Sumber maklumat untuk menjayakan agenda syarikat, memerlukan generasi muda duduk di hadapan komputer dalam tempoh masa yang panjang. Mesyuarat bersama ahli lembaga pengarah atau ketua jabatan dapat diaturkan dengan mudah dan berkesan. Masa untuk membaca akhbar juga terhad kerana komitmen yang harus disumbangkan oleh mereka amat besar untuk menjamin karier mereka.

Di peringkat separa umum, tenaga dan kepakaran generasi muda diperlukan untuk membangunkan masyarakat sekitar. Perlaksanakan program kemasyarakatan untuk mengeratkan komuniti tempat tinggal mereka, menuntut generasi muda untuk bekerjasama dengan pemimpin masyarakat dari semua lapisan umur. Disamping mengejar kepuasan peribadi di tempat kerja, sesetengah masyarakat intelek ini amat menitikberatkan sumbangan mereka terhadap masyarakat sekeliling. Seterusnya, komunikasi peringkat tertutup di mana generasi muda memerlukan medium atas talian untuk berhubung dengan ahli keluarga, saudara-mara, mahupun kekasih mereka.

Kesimpulannya, pilihan generasi muda untuk menggunakan medium berita atas talian, memberi kesan besar kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat. Industri media dan pembekal berita mampu mencapai keuntungan yang tinggi dengan sambutan yang diterima dari generasi muda di laman web mereka. Manakala hal-hal pengurusan pentadbiran negara dapat dipermudahkan lagi dengan adanya generasi muda yang celik IT. Penglibatan secara langsung generasi muda yang mampu mendidik masyarakat pula membuakkan lagi semangat mereka untuk memecahkan dinding yang menyebabkan kemunduran komuniti tempat tinggal mereka. Akhirnya, kegemilangan Malaysia akan dapat dicapai setelah ilmu dan pengetahuan seluruh warganya tersemat di dada.

JRN 412 - 1

Tertarik dengan kenyataan saudara mengenai “peluang pekerjaan hanyalah dikuasai oleh bukan melayu”, saya merasa terpanggil untuk bersama-sama meluahkan pendapat dan pandangan saya mengenai masalah yang semakin hari semakin jelas mengarahkan orang melayu itu sendiri berada di bawah tampuk penjajahan stail baru oleh bangsa-bangsa lain.

Saudara Aspan Alias, antara persoalan yang dititikberatkan oleh semua masyarakat dunia adalah bagaimana untuk menjadikan bangsa mereka berada di posisi megah dikalangan bangsa-bangsa lain. Hal ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa, langkah kerajaan Malaysia untuk tidak menggubal undang-undang yang dicadangkan oleh British sewaktu kita mencapai kemerdekaan dahulu, merupakan titik permulaan kegagalan pemimpin melayu dalam memartabatkan bangsa melayu dipersada antarabangsa.

Dasar pecah perintah yang diperkenalkan British sewaktu menjajah negara kita boleh dikatakan sebagai salah satu umpan seteru utama islam ini untuk melihat kejatuhan empayar islam. Ketakutan mereka terhadap bangsa melayu, jelas digambarkan dalam sejarah. Ini kerana, majoriti bangsa melayu di Tanah Melayu pada ketika itu beragama islam. British mensasarkan empayar Melaka yang terkenal sebagai pusat penyebaran islam di nusantara untuk dijadikan medium penyebaran ideologi sekular berbentuk semangat kebangsaan mereka. Perlu diingat, bahawasanya islam tidak pernah membezakan sesama bangsa itu melainkan dari segi kepercayaan mereka kepadaNya.

Perletakan golongan imigran cina di kawasan bandar, kaum india di ladang-ladang dan estet-estet dan menyogok pemimpin-pemimpin melayu dengan kuasa pemerintahan sememangnya satu langkah yang berkesan pihak British untuk menjatuhkan islam. Dakwaan saudara mengenai sikap pemimpin melayu sekarang yang hanya mementingkan kekayaan peribadi adalah kerana mereka tidak mengambil islam sebagai asas perjuangan mereka. Kenyataan saya ini akan disangkal dengan tanggapan bahawa saya taksub dengan agama. Soal taksub, tidak wujud disini, kerana saya berpegang kepada pegangan bahawa islam adalah jalan hidup lahiriah untuk setiap manusia.

Islam menggalakkan seluruh umatnya untuk berniaga. Sembilan daripada sepuluh sumber rezeki itu adalah daripada mengadakan transaksi yang halal. Keistimewaan demi keistimewaan yang dinikmati oleh bangsa melayu amat jelas dicatatkan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Sebagai contoh, kejayaan bangsa cina di Malaysia adalah kerana mereka tidak diberi peluang oleh pemimpin-pemimpin melayu kita yang terdahulu untuk berkhidmat sebagai kakitangan kerajaan. Maka, mereka bangkit dan kita sebagai orang melayu harus sedar, bahawa kejayaan itu tidak boleh dicapai tanpa tertib untuk menguatkan jatidiri individu masyarakat terlebih dahulu. Syarikat-syarikat besar yang dimiliki oleh bangsa cina ini adalah warisan yang diamanahkan hasil titik peluh nenek moyang mereka.

Fahaman yang bersifat kebangsaan ini sudah sebati dan ianya terus-menerus diperjuangkan tanpa mendalami kesesuaian peredaran masa itu berlandaskan panduan al-Kitab. Pendekatan pengusaha – pengusaha cina dengan meletakkan bahasa mereka sebagai salah satu syarat untuk bekerja adalah untuk memulihkan taraf hidup bangsa mereka sendiri. Corak pemerintahan sebegini adalah bersamaan dengan corak pemerintahan orang melayu suatu ketika dahulu. Orang melayu itu diberikan segala macam kemudahan tanpa memikirkan keadilan untuk bangsa lain. Maka tercetuslah peristiwa 13 Mei yang pada pandangan saya seharusnya dijadikan batu pengukur kepada pemimpin melayu bahawa konsep perjuangan mereka itu salah. Bangsa cina merasa iri hati dan mereka bertekad untuk menindas bangsa melayu pada masa akan datang.

Saya tidak mengatakan orang cina itu salah. Ini kerana mereka ini hanya bangsa yang tidak didedahkan dengan keindahan pemerintahan islam oleh pemimpin melayu kita. Lihat sahaja apa yang berlaku baru-baru ini di mana salah seorang pemimpin melayu mengarahkan supaya pemimpin cina mengemukakan permohonan maaf kerana menggunakan ayat Quran dalam ucapannya. Bagaimana mungkin kita mahu mengislamkan mereka sekiranya mereka tidak dibenarkan menyelami panduan hidup orang islam? Kita seharusnya memimpin mereka untuk mendekati islam dan membimbing mereka untuk mengamalkan ciri – ciri pemerintahan islam. Pendekatan Barisan Nasional yang melaksanakan pembangunan islam secara berperingkat di Malaysia wajar disokong. Tetapi konsep perjuangan melayu itu harus diubahsuai. Ia hanya akan memuakkan lagi masyarakat cina tatkala melihatkan ketamakan bangsa melayu untuk membolot sumber ekonomi dari bawah bumi Malaysia.

Fikir-fikirkanlah. Bukan tidak berterima kasih kepada kerajaan. Tugas kami, generasi muda zaman ini untuk membangunkan negara lebih mudah andai pemerintahan islam itu sudah diterapkan dari dulu, dan Satu Malaysia itu sudah wujud sebagai lambang perpaduan antara islam dan bukan islam.

Jumaat, Ogos 28, 2009


Gua jadik serba tidak kena sejak beberapa jam yang lalu. Kepala otak diragui dengan serba-serbi tindakan ahli-ahli politik dan pendirian gua dipersoalkan oleh beberapa insan di sekeliling gua. Dan gua seakan-akan tewas kerana tidak menguasai ilmu Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith itu. "Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, lautan dalam jangan diduga." Kata gua kepada diri sendiri.

Tapi gua tau lagi dalam lu orang menyelam, lu orang lupa apa itu kesederhanaan. Dek kerana lu taksub cari harta, gua pula dituduh taksub beragama. Sedang i'tisam itu hanya boleh dicapai dengan asas agama yang kukuh. Insyaallah, gua akan mengembara menyelami isi Kitab itu dan kita akan sama-sama membangunkan negara ini.

Khamis, Ogos 27, 2009

Imbasan Ramadhan yang Lalu...

Gua : Lu puasa tak ni?

Kawan gua : Mesti la

Gua : Mesti la gua puasa. Tapi agak tinggi jugak perjalanan kita nak pergi kelas ni.

Kawan gua : Lif pun rosak.

Gua : Kalau pergi library gua rasa tak payah pakai lif.

Kawan gua : Set...

Ahad, Ogos 23, 2009

bazaar ramadhan

Insyallah, hari-hari ramadan gua akan berlangsung dengan penuh cemerlang hendaknya. Dalam pada keinginan nafsu untuk menjamah dengan segala macam syurga dunia, akal tetap berputar mencari seribu satu alasan untuk menjinakkan kedaifannya.

Jangan diturut amarah yang mendesak. Kelak syurga ditolak ke tepi, kesabaran terkubur mati. Pahala tak kunjung hadir, dosa kemas terpalit.

Bukan gua nak marah sangat, cuma lain kali kalau nak suruh gua parking motor kat tempat tertentu pun, tak payah la jerit-jerit sampai kata gua tak reti bahasa. Gua bukan tak reti bahasa. Ayat pertama lu, lu jerit kat gua sampai terkeluar anak tekak lu semata-mata nak suruh parking belakang lori tu. Ayat kedua lu, lu cakap macam gua dengan lu satu kelambu yang lori tu takkan keluar parking dari situ.

Gua kah yang bersalah?

Jumaat, Ogos 21, 2009

sekadar bersiar untuk berkongsi hasil kerja...

thinking of sumthing

shoot me if u can

aku tidak tahu apa yg berlaku pada perempuan itu saat ini..

beauty is on the eye of the beholder...

creativity leads to unidentified journey...

a malay male...

Khamis, Ogos 20, 2009

com 462-2


Nowadays, photography is one of an essential in communication. It becomes the powerful tools and a form to express visually about something that are related with the behavior of the nature and human beings. An application of photography require by many industries such as medical, astronomy, businesses, and engineering.

Mass media industries also affected by the development of photography. As we can see newspapers, magazines, and television displayed an information using a photograph, the process of delivering information or advertise the goods and services become more effectively. The visual connection between the sender and receiver make the message clearer and attractive. Photography helps people to describe territory of objects which are too small or to far. Photography also can be most valuable and enjoy activities to record or documenting personal event such as vacations, wedding and gathering among all people.

The emergence of photography moved synchronizedly with the development of cameras and how it was used from the previous century until now. In basic, photography previously taken as a solution to share an image with others who do not experience the real situation.

Definition of Photography

Vision, imagination, or seeing that leads to the same thing which is the ability to envision a final results in your mind’s eye, and then to make it so with your tools at hand.

Snapping a camera is unimportant. Photography always offer its practitioner the ability to see something, recognized its appearance as to realized the beauty of entire world on a piece of paper. There will be no rules on how you want it to be look. Without neglecting the main issues such as composition, lights, and gesture, photography is closely related with paintings. The difference is, photographer needs a tools, which is camera to visible their imagination, while the painters use their ability and skills by paint it on a canvas.

When we are talking about art, the process of defining a photography can’t be defined by a camera. Because art is all about the message. Not about the medium to delivered it.

History Of Photography

Early photography in Greece and the Mediterranean required a huge number of years to be show. It tooks around 150 years from now when 560 photographs of an ancient Greek and Roman architecture was found. In detail, it symbolize with the ancient monuments and sculptures build up everywhere in Athens and all the way through Mediterranean.

The two ancient Greek words associates to create the term “photography” which means light for the “photo” and drawing for the “graph”. Previously, an image were known as sun pictures as they need a sunlight to carve an image.

The emergence of photography starts after the invention of the camera. Camera Obscura was created during the ancient times. Literally, it was a dark room without any sources of lights that can recognized an image outside the room through a tiny hole. A modification can be made whether to move the the projected image vertically or horizontally. The invention become more portable since it was created in a small box with the same concept which is a tiny hole on one of the box’s surface.

The Development Of Photography

The work for an artist to draw a nature was not enough as they can’t edit the picture to make it look better. Thomas Wedgwood explore the main property which is silver nitrate to develop an image on a piece of paper. However, the image tend to dissapear when it was exposed to the light. They need to kept the image in a dark room as a procedure to overcome this problem.

The photography historians came with a few names such as Nicephore Niepce, William H.F Talbot, Louis J.M Daguerre, and Scott Archer. All this people are responsible in exploring the way to fix the black image. But Louis J.M Daguerre is verified to be the one who exposed his discovery to the public. It occur during 1839 in France and it was believed to be the year of photography invention.

Joseph Nicephore Niepce explore the usage of bitumen, and the lavender oil and he successfully develop the way to obtain an image from camera obscura everlastingly. He come with a fact that the image need an exposure,bright sunlight and at least required 8 hours to capture the image. He joined Daguerre in 1829 when he knew that Daguerre also make the same experiment.

In France, Daguerre continued his abandoned experiment with Niepce about the usage of polished silvered copper plate to act towards iodine. The silver copper plate need to be sensitive to the light. The result is the rises of daguerreotypy. A mixture of silver nitrate and iodine steam create a daguerreotype plate that need 50 degrees Celcius in order to highlighted the image. Finally, hypo will be used to wash the plate. The successfull invention by Daguerre leads to designation and creation of daguerreotype plate with more sensitivity to the light. Cooperation between Jozsef Petzval from Hungary and Peter Voigtlander, an Austrian utilize chlorine or bromine to get the desired results. It become the dominant portrait mode for the 1st decades of photography. It became popular when Daugerre sold it to French government and distributed his discovery focusely in England and United States. With considerable skills, the image is characterized by very fine detail. This new model could print only one image because they can’t reproduce it.

The development of photography enhanced with William Henry Fox Talbot method’s of photography. The discovery of negative image on a piece of paper happen at about the same time daguerreotype was invented. By soaking the piece of paper with silver nitrate, Talbot can easily reproduce the image. The invisible image appear as it was expose to the camera. It was a negative image of the picture. The next process will be laying the paper on a the other piece of sensitized paper with a support of bright light behind it. The silver nitrate block the light while the brighter part of the paper will absorb the light to picture the positive image. The earning of his experiment, known as “photogenic drawings”. It was more detail than the daguerreotype. And the most successfull achievement is the printing of many positive image can easily done with one piece of negative image. Later, the term calotype was published and Talbot starts to license his product to the English. Daguerreotype became less popular compare to the calotype, later known as talbotype, because it promotes other to print many copies of images. Afterwards, the latest method of photography evolved from his achievement.

In 1851, one English man named F.Scott Archer introduce to the public his wet-collodion process. By using a surface of a glass plate, he coated a collodion. The process seems to be more complicated as compare to the previous methods which are daguerreotype and talbotype. It required him to instantly expose the plate to the camera because as the plate become dry, its sensitivity to the light become lower. When it was fully dried, there are no sensitivity at all. The talbotype became less popular as this method offer greater sharpness to the resulted images. During 1860, it conquered the photography discipline and rebrand as wet plate photography.

In the middle of 19th century, accurrately 1856, an appearance of new method of photography was created by Hamilton L.Smith, an American. It was known as tinytipe. Briefly, it was an application of thin plate of iron to change the surface into black. After spreading the silver nitrate over the thin iron, it was then covered with a light-sensitive emulsion. As the negative images was created on the surface, the bright light will emboss a positive image to be presented as a desired results by the photographers. For a personal potraits, it become very applicable. The usage of this method, continue until about 1900 as they offer more considerable price compare to daguerreotype and other previous method.

During that particular time, the arises of other method such as stereoscopic photography also contributed to the development of the photography. It function exactly as our eyes. A special type of camera, known as stereo camera along with two lenses offered photographers to take 2 immediate photo. But, the condition is, both subjects must be in the same perspective. The space or distant between photographer and the subjects was determined as human view’s ability. The emergence of this type of photography make the industries become more profitable because it was suitable to document a journey photo, scenery, special occasion and pictorial short stories.

The enthusiasm of photographer to get a quality picture leads Richard Maddox to improve the practice of light-sensitivity plate. From the previous method, all plates must be in wet condition in order to make it reflect with the light. But, Maddox attach bromin-gelatin to maintained the sensitivity although the plate is dry. This invention can be declared as a turning point in photography. The victory of inventing a camera starts here as photographers are assisted with smaller and more portable devices. The foundation of photography also related with other method such as ambrotype.

The Modern Photography

The modern photography rises as an elastic roll film take the roles of the glass plate. As i mention before, the stepstone of this discovery is based on Talbot’s idea of using the dry light-sensitive plate. George Eastman of the USA, successfully brought in the first Kodak camera into the mass-market. The flexible roll film allowed photographers to use one roll of film to print hundred copies of photos. Hence, a perception to take on photography as an art form rises when Alfred Stieglitz starts to explore photography from a creative point of view. Oscar G. Rejlander and Henry Peach Robinson, distribute a photos based on its values, sentiments and the moralistic that are taken from the paintings. From about 1900, this Kodak method conquered the market of popular photography because the users were just easily snap the picture.

The quality of the picture, was determined by the sharpness of the images, and the colour’s clarity.Herschel combine the coloured organic dyes with the sensitive layer to create the polaroid. Although it was expensive, the results can be attain instantly.

Eastman improvised his design with punching a hole on one side of the film. An English, Eadweard Muybridge innovatively recorded the first picture with a motion and he expressed the nature exactly similar to the real situation. With an additional track on the side of film’s surface, the cinema industries starts to began when a sound can be attach with the kinetic images.

Nowadays, as the technologies expand, the invention of computers rapidly change the photography’s world. Data will be encrypted simply like turning an analog signal to a digital signal. When a memory card tooks its function to store an information digitally, it was followed with the invention of digital compact camera, proceed with the Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera. The new generation of photographers tend to apply an assistance from computers to generates more quality type of picture. With an appropriate software such as Photoshop, the demands from the previous inventor of camera to ensure the sharpness and the quality of colours is just at their fingertips.

Photography In Communication

Since 1839, photography have been used as a tools to record, report, and to inform. As it was unattainable to expand our eyesight to the entire world, the purpose of camera is to hand out the image to others just like they see it with their own eyes. The fact will be more reliable as the image became an attachment to disseminate the information.

Peoples need to fulfill their curiosity about something that are far away from their surroundings. Previously, they are required to see the images that brought by the travelers and explorers from various country in the world. When technology plays their roles today, people eager to know about the scenery of an aerospace that present them with a photos of other planets beyond the sky.

Mass communication media use photography in order to satisfy the public about the faces of an entertainers, celebrities, political leaders, picture of their society, cultural heritage, wars and conflicts, and the suitable marketplaces for an investors. Photography also used to influence public’s opinion. Graphic presentation with high impact in term of values and morality were widely used as a tools for political parties, governments, and special interest group to widen their power.

Photography also one of the factor that influence desirable changes. For an example, the photographs of the Yellowstone region were instrumental in Congress’s decision to establish that area as a national park. Locally, the clash about the authority of Pulau Batu Putih between Malaysia and Singapore need photography to contribute its role to solve the conflict.

Advertising industries required photography as they need to spread the description of the product or services offered from various industry. An attractive photographs simply catch audience’s attention to buy a product or experienced the services offered.

Photography is a nonverbal communication that can overcome the barriers during the process of delivering information. Nowadays, billions of photos can be found anywhere such as newspapers, magazines, television, catalogues because its ability to reproduce even until a number of billions copies.


The emergence of photography partly describe the evolving process of communication between human beings. Formerly, they need to struggle just to ensure that they can successfully delivered the messages between them. Since Daguerre ambitious to develop an image on a surface of silver plate, the new generation now should be thankful with their ancestors by using the knowledge correctly. For me, being familiar with the emegence of photography will help me for better understanding about the function, impacts, and application of images, pictures, or motion pictures in developing our societies. Photography was successfully develop with the intention of realizing the beauty of the world and its leader.

Selasa, Ogos 18, 2009


lu duduk rilek-rilek...
takde org nak kacau lu...

gua duduk ilek-ilek...
semua org kata gua kutu...

kutu pemberontakan..
kutu rusuhan...
kutu demokrasi..!

kepada pemimpin india, pisahkan arak, tinggalkan samsu jauh dari bangsamu. Baru mereka mampu untuk mengawal nafsu...

kepada pemimpin melayu, terhadkan cita-cita, dalami sejarah agamamu. Baru akal mereka berguna, untuk mengindahkan bangsamu!

kepada pemimpin cina, susutkan produktivitimu, tingkatkan kejujuran dalam bangsamu. Baru melayu dan india tidak akan tunduk pada nafsu.

TETAPI mereka sebuah di bawah yang satu. Si Melayu.

Mahabbah itu mengalir sederas kebodohan ahli-ahlinya untuk bersatu. Maafkan saya pembaca. Aku cuma mahu kesederhanaan itu digambarkan jelas, sejelas agamaku!

Isnin, Ogos 17, 2009


sial. Sedar-sedar besok sudah isnin. Gua rasa macam takde pape je yg berlaku dalam 2,3 hari ni. Pergerakan jarum minit gua rasa macam nak tunggu tukar tarikh plak. Besok ade test, kul 4 pagi baru terkial-kial nak baca buku...bodoh!

Sabtu, Ogos 15, 2009

isi atau kulit...?


MC 221


COM 462



13TH AUGUST 2009

Selasa, Ogos 11, 2009

the proposal

If I fell in love with you..
Would you promise to be true?
And help me understand..
Cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands

If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than him

If I trust in you

Don't run and hide

If I love you too


Don't hurt my pride

Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain

Ahad, Ogos 09, 2009

Sesudah Maskara

Still my guitar gently weeps

Biji mata tidak akan bergolek pada huruf yang tidak berpencak.

Gua baru balik Maskara, dan sekarang mata gua tak boleh lelap sebab hampir khayal memikirkan apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh Rendra dalam sajak beliau, Pertemuan Mahasiswa.

Sabtu, Ogos 08, 2009


Keengganan Nik Aziz mencampuri isu penjualan arak di Selangor, agak meragukan saya. Sumber-sumber informasi dari Utusan Malaysia juga, meragukan saya. Akan tetapi, andai benar, andai salah, bukan saya yang harus menghukum mereka.

Khamis, Ogos 06, 2009


pehh...gua rasa ada sensasi baru yang merasuk jiwa khayalan gua. Setelah menserasikan diri untuk beberapa jam bersama mereka, sedikit kelegaan gua rasakan pada genggaman tangan gua. Genggaman yang gua harap tidak akan lagi menggeletar takut untuk menyuarakan pandangan.

sekitar beberapa tahun yang lalu, seorang wanita berusia lingkungan 40an berdiri di pinggir pagar sebuah sekolah. Hilaian angin sepoi bahasa, diiringi tangisan di cerah suasana.

Gua bingkas bangun menyusun segala alat tulis gua dan gua ikat dgn getah sebelum gua masukkan dalam kocek kemeja sekolah rendah gua. Berlari-lari anak mengejar si penanti.

Si ibu mithali.

Dengan pantas tangan bertaut di celah-celah pohon orkid yang melilit pinggir sekolah. Belakang tangan dikucup seraya bersuara bertanyakan lauk ape yg dibekalkan.

Gua kembali ke kantin berbekalkan azimat penunduk kelaparan utusan mak gua. Menyuap dengan harapan gua kembali bertenaga untuk menghadiri kelas tambahan anjuran pihak sekolah.

Tapi malangnya...

Gua terkejut bila terdengar bunyi keras bersebelahan cuping telinga gua yang melekat kemas pada meja gua di balik sebuah buku teks tebal yang didirikan. Cilakak punya remy. Apsal lu tak kejut gua?

Ahad, Ogos 02, 2009

com 460 - 1

Communication is the most important skills that need to be acknowledge by every individual nowadays. As we were known, the priority of choosing or hiring a manpower in the most established company, depends on our ability to communicate with each other.

There are various statement that can define the term communication. According to Weaver [1949], communication can be define as all of the procedures by which one mind can affect another. Besides that, [Miller 1951] define communication means information is passed from one place to another place. And the research about communication widely broaden as Hovland ,Janis and Kelley [1953] view that communication is the process by which an individual or the communicator transmits stimuli that are usually verb to modify the behavior of another individual or the audience.

The first concept of communication is the perception that communication is a process. The word process, according to David Berlo [1960], its a continuous or non-stopped path. There will be no beginning and no ending. The term ‘process’ do not stop moving or static, just because its always moving and kinetic. Moving through their own path until it reach to a targeted destination.

Harold Lasswell [1948], stated that communication will be easily understand when we answer a few questions. It need us just to know about the messages, the effect of the messages and the way of delivering the messages by answering who said, what he/she said, through what, to whom and what happen to the receiver. But, most of the scholar rejected this view and they need more various point of view that can described the term communication.

The second concept of communication takes the communication itself as transactional. To be precise, this point of view acquire that communication was completely done as the sender of the message receive a feedback from the audience, in this context, the receiver of the message. Communication its not as simple as hypodermic needle model or the bullet model which is promoted by Forsdale during 1981. This concept also being agreed by Burgoon and Ruffner when they said if each people participating effectively in communication, it will create a perfectly comparable communication event.

The third concept to define communication is communication is symbolic. Imagine that something funny is going through your mind and you want to share it with others. As a symbol or sign tooks its part here, with an appropriate medium, the process of delivering the jokes will become completely done when you share about that jokes. Sharing with a piece of drawings, or a few words, or just a dotted laugh. And the smiles that comes from your friend’s face can also declared as his or her signs that he or she wants to tell you that jokes are really make his or her stomach going to boost.

Osgood-schramm’s produce model of communication that with a process of encoder, interpreter, or decoder delivered the message to a decoder, interpreter or encoder. The continuous process allow mutual interpreter to become either a source or a receiver. Feedback are assume as another messages that want to be delivered by the sender, who is actually a receiver for previous message, to express their response in a form of new message in order to communicate with the receiver, who are now previously take a role as a sender.

Take a break, and think of what is the best medium to the guy that are born with completely paralyzed, lying in front of you, just waiting for angel to cut off his breath, with his blind eyes, deaf, dump, want to tell you that he is muslim.

Mass communication have borrowed the word ‘communication’ in its term and rapidly broaden the definition of communication in different kind of ways. Accurately, the audiences and receiver become larger and larger until they do not attracted to us or maybe concerns us just for a few second to alert about our existence. It still need a sender but it can be either an individual, or an organization. And the receiver consist of large, anonymous, or heterogeneous number of audiences around the world.

The flexibility offered in interpersonal communication preferred you to arrange an appointment with your supervisor, either of making an announcement about uncertainty decision that you made for your company. The message is alterable and the feedback was quickly responded. It customized with an individual needs without creating unsatisfied or heart-feelings among others in the society.

The bigger audiences need a bigger speakers. Am i right. Evolution of mass communication take its parts here to begin a new era of communication. It started 2000 years ago, when the language, act as a body gestures in order to shared with others about your feelings. The developing process continues until the creation of a list of 600 characters known as primitive alphabet.

Functional requirements of society leads the developing process of communication. The production systems, defense systems, member replacement system and social control systems evolve as a new medium of communication which is primitive alphabet finally can be printed on a piece of paper.

During fifteenth century, print technology created by the europe. The benefit is, it was movable and easy to share because of the space given in a piece of paper was too small compare to the message, that want to be written or draw by the sender. The number of readers also increasing time by time as population growth in every parts of the world. It brings to another invention of a new machine that applied a steam power to print a newspapers. Multiple copies produced with a minimum error that can effect the significance of the facts delivered. Information spread wider and faster than before.

New distribution system support the mass communication process when the major transportation system is developed around the continent. An importance of transportation system in this scene should not be argued as a part of evolution in mass communication. Telegraph communicates people in different location with short or long sounds or with a symbols as dotted or dashes. And the biggest achievement in development of communication boost again with a creation of mechanical instruments known as telephone. This instruments connects society orally and vocally.

During 20th century, electronic communication helps us in any form of research needed to answer the question that are leads to another question. Process of communication do not stop or static. It moves beyond the eyesight when a sattellite was launched to improve the connectivity between every part of the world. Sattellite produce many kind of technology that brings more effective way to communicate between the societies. The power of communication can be conclude as a tools of searching the truth and the weakness of communication helps us to demolish the fake.

Sabtu, Ogos 01, 2009

Cloud Nine

Bukan gua tak nak join lu, tapi rambut gua tak cukup kutu. Bukan gua taknak pegi, tapi seluar lutut koyak gua mak gua buat alas kaki. Bukan gua taknak camput, tapi bulu ketiak gua tak sempat cukur. Bukan gua taknak rock, tapi gua takut gua kembali kemaruk.

Udah-udah la amy. Badan dah letih, lutut dah menggigil. Tapi gua harap lu dan gua akan terpanggil.