Isnin, Mac 01, 2010

When I'm Talking to Myself

What you know regarding one current world issue?

I’m not concerning in other current world issue nowadays, except for the invasion in Palestine by the Israel, together with their ally, United States of America. Nothing to do with technology anymore since humanity dissolves among world’s leader. An interference launch continuously offensively at the tip of their gun. The Palestinian must have their own reasons for combating them since 1948. For those who follow the story will know the situation better.

What do you think on the way the issue has been or being reported?

Everybody fight for their right. When westernize claim their action as a battle towards terrorist, any statements reveal by the news provider become different insight of the Muslim’s World especially the Palestinian. When Barrack Hussein Obama speaks through any news agencies, he must realize that he is not a spokesperson for the Muslims world. He was a President of United States of America.

Well, I need to profess first, that the real enemy was his nation foreign policies. Can you imagine how he is going to represent Muslim’s world at the moment he stands on the stage where his citizen have to be connected with? So, the news agencies represent the value of what had been said by their leaders and the leaders will spoke with intention to maintain their nation’s conformity. Same thing goes to an opposite side, the Palestinian. They are talking about their rights.

So you think the media should change the way the issue is being reported? Why?

They must change. The strongest words as we heard or read the news will be the verbs and the nouns. As I said before, terrorism is a matter of definition. Everybody have their own interpretation relating to their traditional value. The changes in term of labeling (nouns) the other side with improper character (verbs) will results in blurry connotation. The impact will be the oppression among members of the society to recognize their responsibility to their religions, tribes, and nation.

Personally, I need to say that terrorism is required. Why? Regarding to the conflict between Palestine-Israel, for me, it was strongly related with religious requirements. So, relate it with traditional value both western and Muslim’s worlds. We are originated to be an opponent to each other since they do not want to follow our Prophet. Am I right? The Malaysian media where the majority of citizens were Muslims, should care about this and need to emphasize the connotation by referring it to Islamic worldview.

Forget about Afghanistan for a while due to the information that became doubtful among Muslim’s world itself. Think about the sake for your afterlife world. Don’t simply follow the term “terrorism” to ruined Muslim’s philosophy of life. If they have their own way, we also have our own way which is justice. “Jihad” will be the last choice and again, what will be the last choice if you are the Palestinian who tried to apply a complete Islamic Policies and then invaded by an Israeli?

The truth cannot ever stands with the fake under the same umbrella.

Do you agree if I said the World News should be increased?

No. An internet plays with data and information increasingly second per second. Consciously, the news can be gain from entire world. The traditional media will become reliable if they fully put on the media ethics that are hazarding by the money. Just increase the level of respects towards other’s nation policies and I believe that Palestinian leaders will not have any problem with this if they can speak clearly at any American Television’s Network about their views.

How about censoring the news? What do you think?

Censoring news was a difficult thing to do when internet allows an individual to become a news provider around their residents. We can’t claim the country as an authoritarian rather than libertarian if the opinion and views between individual move extra rapidly. The conflicts exist when every side did not enjoy same facilities. Again, media ethics, offer the solution when they need to be objective.

Any suggestion on how world news can be improved?

The democratic society represents all ideas of its members. The ideas of all members strongly depend on their nurture of life. The education is the most vital portion in developing the society. Children are our assets in enjoying greater future. For the Muslims, who believe in afterlife, the results promised by our God already written in our Holy Qur’an that present through our Prophet.

Modern Islamic perspective became worst if we are not referring to our major guidance, Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah to solve our nation policies in term of Syariah and any other law abiding to our God. The best method to spread this kind of knowledge must be a media. The reports must be constructed to educate Malaysian, especially Muslims on how to deal with various kinds of religion with a proper stages.

For the major World News agencies, the respects towards humanity cannot be achieved without a corporation with other aspect of nation policies respectively to economics, social structure, and politics.

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